I'm sure you must have noticed how behind I've gotten on posting anything these days! Most of the time lately, I don't feel up to doing much of anything. :/ I am very ready to be past the sick stage, but I know that if I am sick, my baby is doing well, so that makes it seem more worth it! Sunday I woke up miserable....running a fever and everything. I'm not sure if I had a virus or if that was just part of this whole morning sickness ordeal. Luckily I'm feeling much better today than I was Sunday.
Since I posted last, I had my first nursing orientation. We need 7 books for one class, scrubs, a nurse pack, and a whole lot of motivation to get through this semester!!! :/ I'm a little bit nervous but I know I can get through it. My biggest concern is next semester. With this little one being due in March, and my semester not ending till May 5th, I'm very worried about how it's gonna happen. I definitely don't wanna leave my newborn :'/ I'm hoping that when next semester starts, I can talk to my instructor and see if she will work with me and allow me to work ahead while I can to make provision for the baby being born.
Classes start August 19th. I went today and got my drug screen done and got fingerprinted. Waiting on my scrubs to get here. They told me at orientation that I needed to order an XS, because scrubs run big. I ordered S though, because I'm hoping that will give me a little growing room.
First real prenatal appointment with the doctor that will be delivering the baby is on August 8th. I'm curious to see when my next ultrasound will be. :)
Okayyyy I think this is a long enough post for the day. :) I will post more soon! <3


Tuesday, July 30, 2013
Friday, July 26, 2013
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Monday, July 22, 2013
7 Weeks Pregnant Today! :)
Well, I've technically made it to a milestone this week! As I've already stated, I've never made it to the 7 week point. Makes me kinda nervous to think of how I'm going to be affected if I lose the baby further on. As always, I'm trying to maintain a positive outlook on everything and just pray that this pregnancy turns out to be normal! :)
I was able to go out for a 2.5 mile walk today by the water! Doesn't sound like all that much, but for the past 4 weeks I've practically put myself on bed rest. I know I've been overly cautious about everything this time around but I figure I can't be too careful!
BIG NEWS...........TOMORROW IS MY ULTRASOUND! :) I'm experiencing a whirlwind of emotions in anticipation of the first ultrasound. I've never made it that far. It could go two ways.....well possibly three but I'm kind of paranoid about the third lol.
1.) Something went wrong and they can't find baby.
2.) Baby looks great and I get to hear a beautiful heartbeat!
3.) Doctor finds not one baby, but two!?!?!?
I'm secretly just praying that it is #2 :) I don't think my mind could handle being told I'm pregnant with twins but I guess if I had to cross that bridge......I would do just that.
Until tomorrow......:) Hopefully tomorrow I will be posting a beautiful ultrasound picture of our little gummy bear.
I was able to go out for a 2.5 mile walk today by the water! Doesn't sound like all that much, but for the past 4 weeks I've practically put myself on bed rest. I know I've been overly cautious about everything this time around but I figure I can't be too careful!
BIG NEWS...........TOMORROW IS MY ULTRASOUND! :) I'm experiencing a whirlwind of emotions in anticipation of the first ultrasound. I've never made it that far. It could go two ways.....well possibly three but I'm kind of paranoid about the third lol.
1.) Something went wrong and they can't find baby.
2.) Baby looks great and I get to hear a beautiful heartbeat!
3.) Doctor finds not one baby, but two!?!?!?
I'm secretly just praying that it is #2 :) I don't think my mind could handle being told I'm pregnant with twins but I guess if I had to cross that bridge......I would do just that.
Until tomorrow......:) Hopefully tomorrow I will be posting a beautiful ultrasound picture of our little gummy bear.
My Gummy Bear's Development This Week {7 Weeks}
How your baby's growing:
The big news this week: Hands and feet are emerging from developing arms and legs — although they look more like paddles at this point than the tiny, pudgy extremities you're daydreaming about holding and tickling. Technically, your baby is still considered an embryo and has something of a small tail, which is an extension of her tailbone. The tail will disappear within a few weeks, but that's the only thing getting smaller. Your baby has doubled in size since last week and now measures half an inch long, about the size of a blueberry.
If you could see inside your womb, you'd spot eyelid folds partially covering her peepers, which already have some color, as well as the tip of her nose and tiny veins beneath parchment-thin skin. Both hemispheres of your baby's brain are growing, and her liver is churning out red blood cells until her bone marrow forms and takes over this role. She also has an appendix and a pancreas, which will eventually produce the hormone insulin to aid in digestion. A loop in your baby's growing intestines is bulging into her umbilical cord, which now has distinct blood vessels to carry oxygen and nutrients to and from her tiny body.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
6 Weeks 2 Days - A Milestone :/
I did not sleep very well AT ALL last night. :'/ Today's point in my pregnancy (6 weeks 2 days) is the farthest I have gotten with either pregnancy. Last pregnancy I started bleeding at 6 weeks 2 days. By 6 weeks 4 days I had confirmed miscarriage. :( Last night I kept waking up cramping and going to the restroom checking if I've started bleeding yet. I'm terrified but hoping for the best. :/ Just hoping I can make it through this day with nothing unusual happening!! Fingers crossed.
Monday, July 15, 2013
Our Little One's Development This Week
Your baby's jaw, cheeks, chin, eyes, ears, and nose are beginning to form what will eventually become one adorable face. In addition, her kidneys, liver, and lungs are developing, and her heart is now beating 80 times a minute (and getting faster every day). All this and she's still no bigger than the length of a nail head (about a quarter of an inch) from crown to rump!
:/ Not liking this "morning sickness" thing :/
Sorry it's been a couple days since I've posted. Between being exhausted and now feeling nauseous 24/7, blogging has been the last thing on my mind. :/ If you'll notice I put "morning sickness" in quotes up above.....that's for a specific REASON.....because I've been sick all day for the past 2 days. Not just in the mornings :/ hope this doesn't last too too long.....but if it means that my little one is growing healthy......:) I guess I'll smile and bear it!!
6 weeks today........this week is going to be hard for me. First pregnancy never made it past 5 and 1/2 weeks......Second pregnancy started miscarrying at 6 weeks 3 days. :/ Hoping I can make it to 7 weeks for once :) I think if I can make it to my ultrasound I will feel much more at ease and able to relax a little bit.
Welllllll haven't seen my hubby much today so I think I'm going to go snuggle with him and watch some TV for a while.......I'll post more later. :)
6 weeks today........this week is going to be hard for me. First pregnancy never made it past 5 and 1/2 weeks......Second pregnancy started miscarrying at 6 weeks 3 days. :/ Hoping I can make it to 7 weeks for once :) I think if I can make it to my ultrasound I will feel much more at ease and able to relax a little bit.
Welllllll haven't seen my hubby much today so I think I'm going to go snuggle with him and watch some TV for a while.......I'll post more later. :)
Friday, July 12, 2013
Tired must be my middle name!!!
I rolled over this morning at 10:30 and had to literally FORCE myself out of bed. I felt like I could sleep for 3 or 4 more hours and not think twice about it! But I got up and got some things accomplished with my day.....not as much as I wanted to but at least I got some things done! :) Got some laundry done......a lot of our room cleaned up, and got Daniel's hair cut finally. (BOY DID HE NEED IT LOL). About 3:00 I decided my day could not go on any longer without a nap so I went back to bed...hehehehe......slept till about 5:30 or so and had to FORCE myself out of bed then too! I know I have an excuse and a reason why I'm sooo tired but I feel like such a bum lately!
It's killing me not to exercise! I feel like a fatty fatty two-by-four. But I just can't risk doing anything (even though I know they say it's safe).....I guess after having two miscarriages I'm paranoid about EVERY SINGLE THING.
I don't think I can be too careful. I'm just ready to be out of the "danger zone" which they say is 12 weeks so I can breathe and try to relax. :/ Easier said than done.
It's killing me not to exercise! I feel like a fatty fatty two-by-four. But I just can't risk doing anything (even though I know they say it's safe).....I guess after having two miscarriages I'm paranoid about EVERY SINGLE THING.
I don't think I can be too careful. I'm just ready to be out of the "danger zone" which they say is 12 weeks so I can breathe and try to relax. :/ Easier said than done.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
I'm back :)
Sorry I've missed a couple days! It's been such a LOOONNNGGGG week. VBS is finally over. Today Daniel and I went with Colin and Leah and we rented mopeds for the day. It was kind of fun and romantic riding around a moped with my hubby all day :) Also went to the pool for an hour today, which was very nice and relaxing. It felt good to cool off.
Oh I JUST REMEMBERED to update on my betas!!! My new numbers came in a 5,196!!! So:
4 weeks 0 days - 134
4 weeks 2 days - 394
5 weeks 0 days - 5,196
My doctor said my numbers are fantastic and she sees no reason to keep doing blood draws. Althougghhhh I've been thinking about trying to talk her into letting me get another draw next week just to reassure me that the numbers are still doubling. I'm scheduled for an ultrasound on July 23rd. I'm sooooo excited for that I can hardly contain myself. I've never made it that far before so if I do this time it will be incredible. :)
Well.....I think my pillow calls. :) Just wanted to give a quick update.
Oh I JUST REMEMBERED to update on my betas!!! My new numbers came in a 5,196!!! So:
4 weeks 0 days - 134
4 weeks 2 days - 394
5 weeks 0 days - 5,196
My doctor said my numbers are fantastic and she sees no reason to keep doing blood draws. Althougghhhh I've been thinking about trying to talk her into letting me get another draw next week just to reassure me that the numbers are still doubling. I'm scheduled for an ultrasound on July 23rd. I'm sooooo excited for that I can hardly contain myself. I've never made it that far before so if I do this time it will be incredible. :)
Well.....I think my pillow calls. :) Just wanted to give a quick update.
Monday, July 8, 2013
I'm T-I-R-E-D!!!
It's been such a long day. I didn't get a chance to post anything yesterday because I was exhausted. Oh well.....nothing much was missed as far as updates go! I went in this morning to have more blood drawn. Best I can figure, at this point my numbers should be between 2400-3000 or higher. So that's what I'm hoping for. My first draw at 4 weeks 0 days was 134. Second draw at 4 weeks 2 days was 394. I didn't go back in for another draw until today, but technically, had I drawn at 4 weeks 4 days, it should have been about 700-800. And at 4 weeks 6 days it should have been around 1600. I will update as soon as I know anything.
I've been having random cramps, and they always make me super nervous. I'm trying hard to relax and just enjoy the thought of having a growing baby inside of me.
On that note...I think this growing baby is telling her (or his :).....) mommy to get some sleep!
I've been having random cramps, and they always make me super nervous. I'm trying hard to relax and just enjoy the thought of having a growing baby inside of me.
On that note...I think this growing baby is telling her (or his :).....) mommy to get some sleep!
My Little Gummy Bear's Development - 5 Weeks
"The changes to your growing embryo are not quite as drastic this week as they've been in the last few weeks.
Growth is now focused on your wee manatee's head, which is developing and growing much more rapidly than the rest of their tiny body. This is because their amazing brain is undergoing some very critical changes in order to effectively regulate their heart rate, blood circulation, and other vital functions.
As for the rest of their tiny body, what were only limb buds last week have grown into wee limb flippers this week and their sea-creature tail is even more visible.
Amazingly, within five short weeks of existence, your hard-working miniature manatee is already sporting the rudimentary forms of their liver, pancreas, lungs, stomach and nasal pits while their heart is increasing its circulatory capacity.
And if you were wondering about size, your sea-monkey has grown to an impressive 5 mm in length. Growing like this only happens once in a lifetime!"
~Taken from BabyCenter
~Taken from BabyCenter
Saturday, July 6, 2013
Today was a LOOONNNG DAY :/
I think it's safe to say I'm pretty exhausted. I've been careful not to overdo it by lifting things or anything else I'm "not supposed to do"........but it's just been a super busy day with things to do non-stop. My back is hurting tonight but I took a warm bath and I'm thinking it's just because I need to get off my feet. It's so hard not to be nervous about every little cramp or pain I have. It's also MUCH easier said than done to "not stress" and "relax" and "don't worry". I AM doing my best to do all three though lol.
I feel like I am rambling on about irrelevance.....I think it's just from being tired. :) I will post more tomorrow.
I feel like I am rambling on about irrelevance.....I think it's just from being tired. :) I will post more tomorrow.
Friday, July 5, 2013
All smiles today :)
My doctor called me this morning to tell me that everything is looking really good with my numbers so far! :) She said my progesterone levels are right where they want them to be, and my HCG levels had nearly tripled. Monday (4 weeks 0 days) my number was 134. Wednesday (4 weeks 2 days), they went to 394. :)) That's fantastic, seeing as with the last pregnancy at 4 weeks 4 days, my first number was 34 and at 4 weeks 6 days my next number was 54. Such a drastic difference! I'm praying that this little gummy bear keeps growing big and strong! :)
On a different note, I had a really long day today. Had lots of errands to run this morning. I also got everything squared away at school for my upcoming semester. Then Colin and Leah arrived this afternoon, and we all decided to take a bike ride. Bad idea for me :/ I don't know if I got overheated, dehydrated, or just tried to do too much.....but I ended up having to stop and take a break because I felt like I was going to pass out. I haven't really been exercising at all lately......I'm trying to take every possible precaution I can to keep this little baby growing healthy.
I think my pillow is loudly calling my name......:) As always, I will post more tomorrow. :D
On a different note, I had a really long day today. Had lots of errands to run this morning. I also got everything squared away at school for my upcoming semester. Then Colin and Leah arrived this afternoon, and we all decided to take a bike ride. Bad idea for me :/ I don't know if I got overheated, dehydrated, or just tried to do too much.....but I ended up having to stop and take a break because I felt like I was going to pass out. I haven't really been exercising at all lately......I'm trying to take every possible precaution I can to keep this little baby growing healthy.
I think my pillow is loudly calling my name......:) As always, I will post more tomorrow. :D
Thursday, July 4, 2013
What a lazzzzyyy 4th of July :)
Really didn't do very much today. Daniel was scheduled a night shift today, so we were able to sleep in (I cherish those occasions because he is usually up by 5 every day!) Then we spent all morning cleaning our little "studio" because our good friends Colin and Leah are coming to visit for a week. Kinda excited about that :) After we finished cleaning, we ate grilled burgers/hot dogs/ chicken and nachos for our 4th of July lunch with the whole Hester family (well, excluding Josh and Angie since they live in Lake Wales). Then we laid around and watched movies till he had to go to work. Like I said.....A LAZZZZYYY DAY :) Kinda enjoyed it.
I've been able to keep my mind occupied all day, so I wouldn't worry about what my new HCG numbers are.....They're supposed to call with that tomorrow. Since my first numbers were 134, and my numbers are supposed to double (or close to it) every 48 hours, I'm hoping my numbers are close to 300 or over. But all one can do is hope, I guess. :)
I will update as soon as I know anything.
I've been able to keep my mind occupied all day, so I wouldn't worry about what my new HCG numbers are.....They're supposed to call with that tomorrow. Since my first numbers were 134, and my numbers are supposed to double (or close to it) every 48 hours, I'm hoping my numbers are close to 300 or over. But all one can do is hope, I guess. :)
I will update as soon as I know anything.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
:) It's Been A Good Day
Woke up this morning at 7 to take another test.....you know....just to see if the line got any darker. :D check out this picture below.
Picture on far left is June 29th. Middle picture is July 1st. Last picture is this morning. :)) That set me off in a happy mood today. Even though I got up at 7 to take the test, I was still exhausted and went back to bed for another 2 hours lol. I feel so lazy for sleeping all the time.
I had SOOOOOO MUCH running around to do today. Had to go get more blood drawn at my doctors, had to go to the health department and get my TB test read for school, had to go shopping for my MIL's birthday present, had to pick up paint for the hubby......and the list goes ON AND ON. By 4 I was completely miserably. My back was killing me and I just wasn't feeling well. I think maybe because I've been taking an hour or two nap every day, and I missed it today.
Anyways......I won't get my blood results back till Friday since tomorrow is a holiday. :/ Hate that but it is what it is. Guess I better learn to play this waiting game!!
Since it's almost the 4th.........Happy Independence Day!!!
Picture on far left is June 29th. Middle picture is July 1st. Last picture is this morning. :)) That set me off in a happy mood today. Even though I got up at 7 to take the test, I was still exhausted and went back to bed for another 2 hours lol. I feel so lazy for sleeping all the time.
I had SOOOOOO MUCH running around to do today. Had to go get more blood drawn at my doctors, had to go to the health department and get my TB test read for school, had to go shopping for my MIL's birthday present, had to pick up paint for the hubby......and the list goes ON AND ON. By 4 I was completely miserably. My back was killing me and I just wasn't feeling well. I think maybe because I've been taking an hour or two nap every day, and I missed it today.
Anyways......I won't get my blood results back till Friday since tomorrow is a holiday. :/ Hate that but it is what it is. Guess I better learn to play this waiting game!!
Since it's almost the 4th.........Happy Independence Day!!!
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
Positive thoughts today :)
Waited anxiously ALL DAY to hear from my doctor about my first HCG levels. I've been exhausted every day by 2, so like usual I laid down for a nap with phone nearby just in case they called. Woke up at 4:30 and still no phone call, so I finally called them! They said my numbers came in at 134! It's not the number that matters, but rather the doubling pattern. HOWEVER......with my last pregnancy, I was 4 weeks 4 days, and my number was 34. This time I was 4 weeks 0 days (so 4 days earlier) and my numbers came in 100 higher! I think maybe that's a good sign. :) trying to think positively and not stress about what if's. ALOT EASIER SAID THAN DONE. Tomorrow morning I plan on taking another test just to see if the line is getting darker. Call me weird.....but if it gives me more peace of mind I'm definitely all for it.
I'm supposed to go in to the doctor tomorrow for another draw....and I will get those results on Friday probably since Thursday is a holiday. I'm hoping that number is close to 300 if not over. But we will see :) Fingers still crossed for my miracle baby.
I'm supposed to go in to the doctor tomorrow for another draw....and I will get those results on Friday probably since Thursday is a holiday. I'm hoping that number is close to 300 if not over. But we will see :) Fingers still crossed for my miracle baby.
Monday, July 1, 2013
Hoping for the best!!
I called my doctor first thing this morning. She seemed excited and had me come in right away for HCG and Progesterone blood test. I will get the results of that tomorrow. I'm hoping things are looking good right now :/
All in all today was a pretty good day. Took an hour nap this afternoon and felt world's better afterwards. I've been feeling exhausted and up until Saturday when I got my positive pregnancy test, I had just attributed it to being a super busy couple weeks. At least now I have an excuse for some extra sleep :) :) :)
I will update my test results as soon as I hear anything. My first betas with my last pregnancy were 34. Not that it means anything (because it's not the number, but rather the doubling pattern that matters), I am still hoping my numbers come in much higher than 34. I think that would help me feel better. Guess we will see!!! Ta ta for now.
All in all today was a pretty good day. Took an hour nap this afternoon and felt world's better afterwards. I've been feeling exhausted and up until Saturday when I got my positive pregnancy test, I had just attributed it to being a super busy couple weeks. At least now I have an excuse for some extra sleep :) :) :)
I will update my test results as soon as I hear anything. My first betas with my last pregnancy were 34. Not that it means anything (because it's not the number, but rather the doubling pattern that matters), I am still hoping my numbers come in much higher than 34. I think that would help me feel better. Guess we will see!!! Ta ta for now.
Do the tests look different???
I took two tests on June 29th. Those pictures are posted in my most recent post below this. I just tested again this morning so I am posting both pics so I can compare them side by side to see if this morning's test looks any darker at all.
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