Today I'm feeling extremely swollen and pregnant. I will post a picture later of my poor ankles (or rather cankles lol.) I look like I have elephant legs because of all the fluid I'm retaining. I have been having sporadic contractions all day, but nothing to be alarmed about. I was kind of hoping she would be a February baby :) but it's really not looking that way at all. March 2nd is Drew's birthday, and March 5th is Jessica and Raylen's birthday.....maybe she will share a birthday with one of them :) I'm getting so nervous and anxious to have her here. It's funny because a lot of newly expecting moms I know are more nervous about taking care of a newborn and everything that comes with that package, but personally, I am more nervous and anxious about the process of GETTING HER OUT. Once she's here I think I'll be able to handle anything ;) Don't quote me on that a month from now when I'm grumpy and sleep deprived though.
In regards to my lovely beach day I had a couple days ago.........I have sincerely paid for that amazing 3 hours laying on my belly in the sand!!! I did not stop and consider the fact that my shoulders and the backs of my legs have not seen sun basically since I got pregnant, because I didn't know about the "digging the hole in the sand for the belly" trick. So Wednesday, I didn't stop and think that I shouldn't be exposed long because I'd probably sunburn. I fell asleep. And stayed that way for close to three hours! I have not had a sunburn probably in 3-4 years, and I forgot how painful they are!!! Wednesday evening I barely slept. Yesterday, I was miserable as well. I got home from babysitting and soaked in a cold bath, and then put aloe all over my legs and shoulders. Today, I've definitely improved, but I have to say that I'm extremely thankful Skylee hasn't decided to show up in the past couple of days!!! I cannot imagine trying to handle this sunburn ON TOP OF trying to push this little girl out into the world.
Had my CN1 exam on Tuesday. Still haven't received the grade, and I'm very anxious about it. None of us feel like we did very well. I can't waste time worrying about that, because I have a Pharmacology exam this coming Tuesday (provided Skylee doesn't show before then). So this entire week has been filled with studying these drugs!
I am doing my best to stay on top of posting at least every other day. That way when she does come I won't have to catch up on the events that led up to her delivery. :)
We can't wait to meet our little miracle baby.


Friday, February 28, 2014
Wednesday, February 26, 2014
Skylee's Beautiful Showers
I've been procrastinating on this, as with everything else lol, but I really wanted to share pictures from both of the beautiful showers Skylee and I were blessed to have.
The first shower was thrown by my Mom and sister, Bentley, back in the end of November. They put so much hard work into making it absolutely PERFECT.
The second shower was thrown by my mother-in-law and sister-in-law Eba. The theme was rubber duckies. It turned out absolutely adorable. They did a great job pulling it all together!
Doctor's Appointment Update
So I'm a little bummed out today. :( Had my doctor's appointment this morning, and there's been no change since my appointment two weeks ago. I'm still 50% effaced, cervix is short but not opened yet. I know that doesn't always mean anything......those things can change in the matter of minutes. But I was hoping that since I've been in such incredible pain the past two weeks, I'd have SOMETHING to show for it?? :/
Oh well. I'm a little discouraged, but at the end of the day, we ultimately want what is best for Skylee's health.
Aside from that, I had a lovely day. Daniel and I haven't had a day off together in I don't know how long! We went to breakfast at IHOP, did a little shopping (and bought me a birth ball because I've heard such good recommendations about them relieving labor pain), and then spent our afternoon at the beach! He dug a hole in the sand and I laid on top of the hole with my belly inside of it (so that I could get some sun on my back and legs). I haven't been able to lay on my stomach in probably a good 5-6 months!!! It was sooo comfy that I fell asleep. :) While I was lazy, enjoyed his afternoon snorkeling and lobstering. We had such a nice time together. :) I'm glad we got to do that. Never know when Skylee is going to get here, and who knows when our next date will be after that! ;)
Tomorrow is back to the grindstone. I have to babysit tomorrow and Friday,and he works both jobs so I won't see him until Saturday. I also have another exam on Tuesday, so I will be spending the rest of my week studying for that.
Oh, before I close, I wanted to share something Daniel told me today. I thought it was the cutest thing ever! :) We were talking about Skylee coming, and my school, and just life in general, and he mentioned that he thinks Skylee is going to be an extremely smart baby. He wasn't being sarcastic or joking; we were having a legitimate conversation. I asked him why he thought that, and he said he thinks it because of the fact that I've been in nursing school the whole time carrying her. He said "Of course she won't be born spitting out medical facts, but I really think all that you're learning and hearing and seeing and doing is going to affect her neurological development." :) I thought it was just the sweetest and cutest thing that he was thinking that much in depth to that. I haven't even given it much thought! I guess we will see if we happen to have a genius baby :)
Oh well. I'm a little discouraged, but at the end of the day, we ultimately want what is best for Skylee's health.
Aside from that, I had a lovely day. Daniel and I haven't had a day off together in I don't know how long! We went to breakfast at IHOP, did a little shopping (and bought me a birth ball because I've heard such good recommendations about them relieving labor pain), and then spent our afternoon at the beach! He dug a hole in the sand and I laid on top of the hole with my belly inside of it (so that I could get some sun on my back and legs). I haven't been able to lay on my stomach in probably a good 5-6 months!!! It was sooo comfy that I fell asleep. :) While I was lazy, enjoyed his afternoon snorkeling and lobstering. We had such a nice time together. :) I'm glad we got to do that. Never know when Skylee is going to get here, and who knows when our next date will be after that! ;)
Tomorrow is back to the grindstone. I have to babysit tomorrow and Friday,and he works both jobs so I won't see him until Saturday. I also have another exam on Tuesday, so I will be spending the rest of my week studying for that.
Oh, before I close, I wanted to share something Daniel told me today. I thought it was the cutest thing ever! :) We were talking about Skylee coming, and my school, and just life in general, and he mentioned that he thinks Skylee is going to be an extremely smart baby. He wasn't being sarcastic or joking; we were having a legitimate conversation. I asked him why he thought that, and he said he thinks it because of the fact that I've been in nursing school the whole time carrying her. He said "Of course she won't be born spitting out medical facts, but I really think all that you're learning and hearing and seeing and doing is going to affect her neurological development." :) I thought it was just the sweetest and cutest thing that he was thinking that much in depth to that. I haven't even given it much thought! I guess we will see if we happen to have a genius baby :)
Tuesday, February 25, 2014
38 Weeks and Beyond Ready to Meet Our Skylee Rae!!!!
I distinctly remember when I was around 20 weeks pregnant, saying "I'm really hoping that when the time goes, I will go all the way to my due date (March 10th) or even a little bit late. That way everything coordinates with my exams and with spring break."
Fast forward 18 weeks..........I TAKE IT ALL BACK!!!!!! :) I'm beyond ready to have this little girl in my arms. The pregnancy has really gone well overall. I can't complain. I've been extremely blessed. That being said, though, around 36 weeks, things really took a turn and I've had a really hard time keeping up in clinicals and things of that nature. I've been in quite a lot of pain since then (to the point where I can't get out of bed without Daniel's help, or the pain is unbearable), but like I said, I can't complain. In the end she will be very worth it.
Monday I had contractions all day sporadically. I was even able to time them Monday night, but they didn't end up being anything exciting.
Today I have again been having sporadic contractions. I had a talk with Skylee and told her she better not pull any surprises!!! I need to know when she's coming WAY AHEAD OF TIME, so Mom and Bentley have time to drive 7 hours to get here!!! :) In my dream world, I would go to a routine doctor's appointment, she would see some sign that labor has started or is starting, and I would have plenty of time to get Mom down here. :) I guess we will see how it REALLY ends up going.
I have my 38 week appointment tomorrow morning at 9:45. Two weeks ago, at my 36 week appointment, they took me off the pre-term meds, and she checked me. I was not dilated at all, but I was 50% effaced (which I was surprised about because of being on the meds). I'm curious to see if I've made any progression since then. I'm hoping I have.....then I won't feel like all this pain has been for nothing. ;)
Daniel and I have a lucky day off together tomorrow, and I'm really excited to spend some time with him. (Who knows, it could be the last date for a little while!) We're going to my appointment, then a breakfast date, and then maybe the beach if the mood so strikes. :) I will make sure I post an update regarding how the appointment goes!
Fast forward 18 weeks..........I TAKE IT ALL BACK!!!!!! :) I'm beyond ready to have this little girl in my arms. The pregnancy has really gone well overall. I can't complain. I've been extremely blessed. That being said, though, around 36 weeks, things really took a turn and I've had a really hard time keeping up in clinicals and things of that nature. I've been in quite a lot of pain since then (to the point where I can't get out of bed without Daniel's help, or the pain is unbearable), but like I said, I can't complain. In the end she will be very worth it.
Monday I had contractions all day sporadically. I was even able to time them Monday night, but they didn't end up being anything exciting.
Today I have again been having sporadic contractions. I had a talk with Skylee and told her she better not pull any surprises!!! I need to know when she's coming WAY AHEAD OF TIME, so Mom and Bentley have time to drive 7 hours to get here!!! :) In my dream world, I would go to a routine doctor's appointment, she would see some sign that labor has started or is starting, and I would have plenty of time to get Mom down here. :) I guess we will see how it REALLY ends up going.
I have my 38 week appointment tomorrow morning at 9:45. Two weeks ago, at my 36 week appointment, they took me off the pre-term meds, and she checked me. I was not dilated at all, but I was 50% effaced (which I was surprised about because of being on the meds). I'm curious to see if I've made any progression since then. I'm hoping I have.....then I won't feel like all this pain has been for nothing. ;)
Daniel and I have a lucky day off together tomorrow, and I'm really excited to spend some time with him. (Who knows, it could be the last date for a little while!) We're going to my appointment, then a breakfast date, and then maybe the beach if the mood so strikes. :) I will make sure I post an update regarding how the appointment goes!
Wednesday, February 12, 2014
Skylee Rae at 36 Weeks :)
Your baby is still packing on the pounds — at the rate of about an ounce a day. She now weighs almost 6 pounds and is more than 18 1/2 inches long (about the size of a honeydew). She's shedding most of the downy covering of hair that covered her body as well as the vernix caseosa, the waxy substance that covered and protected her skin during her nine-month amniotic bath. Your baby swallows both of these substances, along with other secretions, resulting in a blackish mixture, called meconium, will form the contents of her first bowel movement.
At the end of this week, your baby will be considered "early term." (Full-term is 39 to 40 weeks. Babies born before 37 weeks are preterm, 41 weeks is late term, and those born after 42 are post-term.) Most likely your baby is already head-down. But if not, your practitioner may suggest scheduling an (ECV). That's a fancy way of saying that your practitioner will apply pressure to your abdomen to try to manipulate your baby into a head-down position.
Monday, February 10, 2014
Thursday, February 6, 2014
Skylee Rae at 35 Weeks
How your baby's growing:
Your baby doesn't have much room to maneuver now that she's over 18 inches long and tips the scales at 5 1/4 pounds (about the size of a honeydew melon). (According to my doctor's calculations, Skylee is measuring about 4 pounds right now.) Because it's so snug in your womb, she isn't likely to be doing somersaults anymore, but the number of times she kicks should remain about the same. Her kidneys are fully developed now, and her liver can process some waste products. Most of her basic physical development is now complete — she'll spend the next few weeks putting on weight.
Wednesday, February 5, 2014
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