For some reason I keep getting behind on my blogging.......I assume it's because I'm still not feeling well and I'm tired all the time. (at least, that's the excuse I am going with) :)
I had my first prenatal doctor appointment today. I saw a midwife. In this particular doctor's office, there are two female midwives and one male doctor. The doctor will only be delivering my baby if there is an emergency or if I need a c-section.....otherwise I will have one of the two midwives. I was very disappointed to learn that I don't get another ultrasound until 21 weeks. :/ I don't think I can wait that long to see if my baby is I may be paying for one out of pocket somewhere. We will see about that.
I'm on quite a few mommy support forum boards, and there is one in particular that has already blown up with arguments between moms about what they feel is the right decision for their baby. (for example, medicated vs. unmedicated birth. Breastfeeding vs. formula feeding. Vaccinations vs no vaccines).....the list goes on and on. While I have found alot of their arguments humorous, it has snapped me into reality that there really is SO MUCH to think about and decide. As far as medicated vs. unmedicated births go, I am not opposed to having pain medicine if/when I need it. It is my desire to have the baby without an epidural, but being a first time mom and never having experienced child birth before, I am not naive enough to know that I can definitely handle the pain of bring a child into the world. I have decided to give it my best shot, and if my body simply can't handle the pain, I'm not going to beat myself up for getting the epidural.
I went on a date night with Daniel.......feels like we haven't gone out (just the two of us) in a very long time. It was only to Dairy Queen and for a nice walk by the water, but it was nice just the same. :) I'm very thankful for the good husband he is and how he is taking such good care of me and our growing little one.
Okkkkkayyyy.......I think I'm done for the night. Feel myself getting sleepy :) Goodnight world.
21 weeks will be here before you know it!! Especially once classes resume :)