

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Friday, January 31, 2014

Our Birth Plan

Daniel and Hailey Hester: Our Birth Plan:

Full name: Hailey Briana Hester
Partner’s name: Jonathon Daniel Hester

Baby's Full Name: Skylee Rae Hester
Today’s date: January 31st, 2014
Due date: OR Induction date: March 10th, 2 014
Doctor’s name: Dr. Gregory DeLong, but hopefully we will be delivering with his midwife, Beth
Hospital name: Lower Keys Medical Center
side note: I am not handing this typed birth plan to my doctor or hospital.  I wrote this out simply so I would know the things I want/don't want.  I've discussed each of these things in detail with my midwife, and I don't feel like it's necessary to walk into the hospital with a list of demands before the staff even get to know me.  I feel confident that my midwife will make sure that the major things are taken care of without a bullet point list. 

Ø  My delivery is planned to be vaginal.

Ø  I would like my spouse, my mother Kimberly Stockton, my mother-in-law Patty Hester, and my sister Bentley Stockton present before and during labor.
During labor, I’d like:
[X] Music played (I will provide)
[X ] The lights dimmed
[X ] The room as quiet as possible
[X ] As few interruptions as possible
[X] To wear my own clothes
[X ] My sister to film AND/OR take pictures
[X ] My partner to be present the entire time
[X ] To stay hydrated with clear liquids and ice chips
[X ] To eat and drink as approved by my doctor

Ø  I’d like to spend the first stage of labor:
In whatever position I feel most relieved in.

Ø  I’d like fetal monitoring to be:
Performed at the discretion of my doctor and the hospital staff. However, I would like to remain mobile for as long as possible, so I would like the fetal monitoring to allow for that.
Ø  I’d like labor augmentation:
Performed at the discretion of my doctor and the hospital staff.  My first choice will be to try the natural methods, and if that doesn’t work, I will be open to discussing any form of induction that my doctor feels appropriate.  I would like all procedures to be discussed with me BEFORE they are done.

Ø  For pain relief:
I would first like to use breathing techniques, hot/cold therapy, distraction, hypnosis, massage, meditation, and other natural pain relievers. I would really like to have a natural, med-free birth.  However, being a first time Mom, I am not adamant on NOT receiving pain relief. I would just like to give my body a chance to do it on my own before I take the medicine. Please DO NOT OFFER ME any pain relievers until I bring them up.  If they are offered to me in an extreme moment of pain, I will probably give in and take them.  I will ask for them when and if I feel like my body cannot handle it.

Ø  During delivery:
I am not set on any one position. I am open to any positions that would help with a quicker delivery. I would like to be in a position that allows gravity to aid me in delivering the baby.

Ø  As the baby is delivered, I would like to:

Push with my body’s natural urgesI would also like to be asked if I want to touch her head as she crowns, if I would like to use a mirror to see her coming out, and if I would like to help catch her.  My only adamant preference in my baby’s delivery is I DO NOT WANT the use of a vacuum or forceps.

Ø  I would like an episiotomy:
I am leaving this decision up to my doctor.  It is my strongest desire, however, that an episiotomy will be done ONLY AFTER all other natural methods have been attempted.  If an episiotomy is absolutely necessary, I would like the use of local anesthetics for the procedure and also for sewing me back up.

Ø  Immediately after delivery, I would like:
            My partner to cut the umbilical cord after it stops pulsating. 

Ø  If a C-section is necessary, I would like:
To make sure all other options have been exhausted.  I would like to be conscious, and I want my spouse to remain with me the entire time.  I want him to hold the baby as soon as possible, and I would like the chance to breastfeed in the recovery room.

Ø  I would like to hold baby:
As soon as possible after delivery. I would like the baby to be handed to me for skin-to-skin contact.  I would like for her to be wiped clean while I am holding her. I would like to breastfeed as soon as possible after delivery.  If there is any need for her to be taken from the room, I would like my husband to accompany her everywhere she is taken.

I’d like ALL of my family members:
To be able to join me and the baby as soon as I’m ready after delivery.  I would like them to have unlimited visiting after birth.

Ø  I’d like baby’s medical exam and procedures:
Given in my presence, and only after she’s been handed to me for first skin-to-skin contact.  If it is not possible for me to be present, I would like my husband present.

Ø  Please don’t give baby:
Any form of supplements without discussing with me first.  I would like to begin breastfeeding as soon as she is delivered.  Please ask before giving her a pacifier.

Ø  I’d like baby to stay in my room at all times unless there is a medical reason for her to be taken out.

Ø  I’d like my partner to have unlimited access to my room at all times, and to sleep in the same room as well.

Ø  As needed post-delivery, please give me any pain meds, stool softeners, or laxatives that the doctor prescribes.

Ø  After birth, I’d like to stay in the hospital as briefly as possible.

Ø  If baby is not well, I’d like my partner and myself to accompany her to the NICU. I would like to pump breast milk if I cannot nurse her. I would like to hold her whenever possible.

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