

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

40 Weeks + 1 Day

Well, as I'm sure you can tell by the title of my post, NO SKYLEE YET. :(  It's been such an emotional roller coaster this week.  Monday (my due date), I went ahead and went in for clinicals even though I felt miserable.  If I have to choose between what hours I miss, I much prefer missing once I have little Skylee to stay home and snuggle with.  So I struggled through my 7 hours at the hospital, having contractions all day long but nothing super regular or timeable.  Around 4:00 p.m. I started timing, and they started out around 10 mins apart and gradually worked down to 4 and 1/2 - 5 mins apart.  Around 9 p.m., I called my OB and he said to just go ahead and go in and get checked.  They hooked me up to the monitor, and the contractions kept coming on a pretty steady 5-6 minute basis.  They also got more intense once I got there.  They checked me, and said my cervix is extremely posterior (it took two different nurses to be able to tell me if I had progressed). They said I was fingertip dilated and 80 % effaced.  Last week at my appointment I wasn't dilated at all and was 50% effaced, so I was a little encouraged that I had made at least a bit of progress.  They called the doctor with the update, and then told me I was in "the early stages of labor" and would be much more comfortable laboring at home, so they let me go.  We decided to stay with Mom and Bentley in case things picked up in a short time frame. (Kind of what we were hoping for, I guess).  The contractions kept me up pretty much all night, but I was able to doze off around 4 am and sleep straight till 7. When I got up, I noticed the contractions had really subsided.  Had my doctor's appointment set for 9.  Getting ready for the appointment and knowing my contractions had gone to like 15 mins apart, I got frustrated and shed a few tears of discouragement.  Mom, Bentley, and I went to my appointment and they hooked me up to the NST monitor to see how Skylee is doing.  I kept having contractions while on the monitor, but nothing like the night before, and nothing regular.  They weren't happy with her reaction on the NST, so they had me eat something, and then got the reaction they wanted.  Then they let me know that the doctor was still doing a C-Section, so there was no one there to check me.  I could've waited for him if I wanted to, but I decided to just leave.  I was already depressed and at this point, I really don't care to know if I've progressed at all or not. :(  Either I have, and it's almost time, or they would tell me no change, and I would be even more sad.   After we left the appointment, Daniel and I went to breakfast with Mom and Bentley at IHOP. The contractions picked up there while I was eating, and they have stayed steady.  We went walking on the sea wall again after breakfast, and then I came home and napped for around 2-3 hours.  I was/am exhausted, so it felt good to sleep.  The contractions woke me up so I got up and sat on my birth ball for quite a while, doing different exercises to try to get my cervix dilated.  ANDDDDD that's pretty much where things stand at this point. I'm still having contractions every 5-6 minutes.  They've gradually gotten more intense.  But I see no reason to go in and get checked, just to get sent home again.  So, I'm back at our condo for the night, and thinking I'm going to try to do something constructive like CLEAN and do our backed up laundry. Hoping that it will bring me out of this sad, discouraged, and defeated spirit I've gotten myself into.  I'm just so tired of being uncomfortable. I've been having these contractions for 24 hours straight now with nothing to show for it. :(  I'm just ready to at least know she's soon on her way. At this point I feel like we are on a stand still.

I will keep updating.  Maybe the next post will be that I went into full-blown, active labor tonight, and had her! :)  That would be nice but I'm not getting my hopes up.  At this point I feel like I may be pregnant for the rest of my life with this little girl. ;)

1 comment:

  1. All I can say right now is "I know how you feel". But at least you are having noticable contractions! I am just having annoying braxton hicks. :( Will be thinking about you and I'll be hoping she comes soon!! Xo This waiting and not knowing is extremely testing for us. :)
