

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Saturday, May 11, 2013

May 11th - 6 Weeks 2 Days Pregnant......I Hope :'(

What a whirlwind of emotions I've been through today. :'/  This morning I started spotting, and within an hour the bleeding was bright red and flowing like an extremely light period. I'm having mild cramps as well. I haven't passed any clots, and also this bleeding/cramps is nothing like my miscarriage last year.  When I saw the blood this morning I was devastated and I lost it.  I want this baby so bad.  :'/  

Now the bleeding has almost completely stopped. I'm at a loss, and don't know what to think.  Should I just allow myself to grieve or should I hang on to hope that everything is okay? :'(   
Since I'm here with Mom for the weekend, she wanted to take me to ER tonight but I figure there's no sense in doing that.  We would have to pay $150 up front, and they will just do an ultrasound and either tell me that my baby is fine, or gone.  I figured the smarter move would be to just wait till Monday and call my OB/GYN and try to get an ultrasound as soon as possible.  I'm 6 weeks 2 days today, so Monday I would be 6 weeks 4 days and I'm pretty sure they'll be able to tell if my baby is okay or not.  
My heart is breaking.....and I'm trying not to allow myself to break down just in case my little gummy bear is still trying to hang on.  :'(   

1 comment:

  1. I love you, Hailey, and though I can't understand all of this either, I know we will hold our lil angel one day. And until that day, I will remember the immeasureable joy she already brought us.

    All my heart,
