

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Lilypie Angel and Memorial tickers

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

May 7th - 5 Weeks 5 Days Pregnant

It's been an extremely long day today.  I got up and did my normal routine of having breakfast and taking my vitamins.  Cleaned up a little bit, and decided to go to the beach for a little while before my Algebra class.  As soon as I arrived at the beach I got an email from my Algebra teacher saying "I'm feeling sick and I need rest today. Class is cancelled."  Sounded great to me!! I laid on the beach for about an hour and a half, then started feeling really hot so I jumped in the water for a little swim to cool down.  Then I decided to go shopping and, maybe, just maybe, buy a baby outfit :) I haven't allowed myself to do that yet since we don't know the baby's sex......but I REALLLLLLLYYYY wanna buy some outfits. It's killing me.  Anyways, on the way to the store, I decided to make better use of my time and take my car by Advanced Auto Parts so that Daniel wouldn't have to do it when he got off work.  My car has been giving me trouble starting lately, so we figured it was either the starter or the battery.  The guy from AAP came out and told me that he could charge my battery and see if that was the problem, so he took it in and told me it would be about half an hour.  Sooooooo I sat on the curb in the parking lot for what seemed like an eternity. It was SOOOO hot.  He finally came back out about an hour later, and said, "I'm so sorry ma'am. I totally forgot about you out here."  He then plugged something into my battery, and a paper printed out that said "Battery needs to be replaced." So after all that, I still ended up replacing the battery.

My initial plan was to go home, ride my bike to the sea wall and have a walk so that I'd get my cardio in for the day.  But when I got home, it was about 2:30, and I was starving. I made myself some Ramen noodles, then sat down on my bed to relax for a minute before going for my walk. That's the last thing I remember before waking up from a 2 and 1/2 hour nap!  Guess my body was tired.  

After dinner, we went to the beach and swam for an hour, then watched the sunset. So I still ended up getting my cardio in for the day which I was happy about. Didn't make much difference though......we went to Dairy Queen for icecream when we left the beach. :)  :) What can I say.......I'm a sucker for icecream!

On a more serious note.......I got this random idea to pee on a stick again to see if I would finally get my bright positive, but the line was still very faint. :/  Kinda makes me nervous that everything is going okay.  I haven't had any bleeding, which is a good sign. Lots of cramps, but they've told me that as long as I'm not bleeding AND cramping, I'm fine. :'/ I sure hope so.  I'm very worried about this now.  At my 7 week marker we are going in for an ultrasound to check the baby and see the heartbeat.  That feels like forever from now.  I just really want to know that everything is fine with my little gummy bear. <3

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